Your Maritime Expert in Sweden

Situated just north of Stockholm.

Marine Surveys all over Sweden

Marine Surveys and Audits

Buying a ship, chartering a vessel, having damaged goods that needs inspecting or in need of internal shipboard audits?  We can help you with all your maritime needs!

Having assisted many P&I clubs over the years we are ready to assist in most types of work.

Exporting goods is often filled with requirements on part of the seller. We have extensive experience with performing pre-shipment inspections and can help you out in getting your goods shipped.

Using ultrasonic equipment type approved by ABS and accepted by P&I Clubs we don’t compromise on quality giving reliable results.

Internal/external audits (on board or ashore) to various standards and rules, e.g. ISO 9001, 14001, ISM, ISPS, MLC. Assessment/due diligence prior to aquisitions or joint verntures. There may be many reasons why an audits is to be performed. We can help you with this and have extensive experience in the field.

Have performed work for most Scandinavian and European insurance companies we have the knowledge and experience to survey anything from damaged foods/perishables to industrial equipment and materials.

Looking to buy a ship? We have extensive experience in performing pre-pruchase or condition surveys onboard all types of vessels.

Marine Consulting

Being Experienced Naval Arhitects we can assist with most types of maritime related work. From change of Flag (CoF) to cargo lashing calculations we help out!

We also can assist in creating contracts. Through years of experience we know what types requirements should, and should not be included in a contract to make both parties get the most out of them.

Understanding what you are required to do, document and how to get it approved is an sometimes overwhelming task. Some companies have entire departments dealing with these issues, for others this task has been given to be done in addition to all other tasks. We can help you with this, whether you are simply in need of extra man-power or need assistance from start to finish.

Through our background and training we can assist all players of in the marine and indury field. Be it lashing, stability or structural calculations.

We offer our clients assistance in any technical or legal issues in order to help them comply with requirements or handla an upcoming dispute.

What we're thinking

Changing to Swedish flag?

ENSKÄR Consulting was recently requested to assist a client in changing flag on their newly purchased vessel from UK to Swedish. Soon we’ll tell you more about what we did and how you can avoid some of the issues with changing of flag.

Leave us a little info, and we’ll be in touch.